Card On File

Before proceeding to processing a payment, make sure you have your terminal is set up and the privilege in the user.

There are a couple of areas in HENO where you can accept the patient payments using the Card Processing Terminal:

*Please Note: Prior to being able to use the Card on file option 2 things must happen:

  1. The Privilege must be added to the user inside the Admin tab -> User. Credit Card: Charge Card on File
  2. At least one transactions must have occurred on the patient's account that holds the token to keep the card on file

We do also recommend to have the patient sign an agreement to have the card on file. You can print it here: Card On File Agreement

Charge Card button will appear on all of these options:

Once you have clicked to charge card, a new screen will appear. 

  • Method (RED) - You will have the option for Swipe/Insert/Tab or Input CC Number. 
    • You will have the option to select Card On File here 
  • Make Web Browser Payment (YELLOW)
  • Patient (BLUE) - Coming from the check in, the patient will already be selected.
  • Card (GREEN) - Select the Card on File (You will be able to see the Type, Last 4, and Exp date)
  • Location (PURPLE)
  • Amount (PINK) - The amount you are charging the patient
  • Keep on File (ORANGE) - Will save token to re-use the card again for Card on File Options. *Heno does NOT save any PCI data only a token that allows a user with proper privileges and permission from the card holder to charge the card again. If the card is already stored from a prior transaction checking the box will not have any affect
  • Pin Payment (BROWN) - To pin the patient, more information is here: Pinned Payments

Once you select Charge Card, the page will refresh and look like it is waiting for the terminal, but it will refresh with the payment on the area you have created the payment from. (Please see above for all options.)

To get the patient receipt, click on this payment. A PDF will download: