Provider Portal

When sending off documentation now to a provider, we now have an electronic provider portal that will allow your referring providers to electronically sign your documentation!

When approving documentation and utilizing the approve and send option, an Email or fax will be sent to the provider to either manually sign the document via PDF, or they can create an account within our provider portal to electronically sign the document!

To enable this setting from the Admin > Practice > EMR > Customize please enable Eletronic Signature

The provider will get two initial emails which also is their username for the portal. 

One notifying them that they have a document ready to be signed, and another for setting up their password for their account. 

The link to set up their password is active for 90 minutes, after which they would need to utilize the forgotten password link on the login screen.

First Time Providers New to the Provider Portal:

Logging in the provider portal they can see pending documents to review

Provider Portal Direct Link

The Provider will be able to log in and see which documents need to be reviewed as well as past documents:

Once you send them the document in question, they will get an email notification asking them to create a new provider portal account. Once done, they’ll be able to view any documents you have sent them! 

Clicking the review button next to the document will allow you to go into the document and sign it electronically, or decline to sign the document, as well as leave a note with your acceptance/denial reasoning.

The Provider has the ability to see the document and decide if they want to approve or decline the document. 

If the Provider Approves the document, it will appear as returned in the patients account:

If the Provider Declines

After approving the documentation, it will be sent back into HENO within Documents>Reports>Unsigned For you to mark as returned. We also have an article as well that goes in depth for returning POC’s, which can be found here:

Physical Plan of Care Follow Up

If you have any questions, email for assistance.