Quick Text Set up
In this article we will cover how to create the custom hyperlinks or quick texts in the documentation.
You will want to start by click on the Document tab or Document tab -> Settings
- Documentation -> Settings
- Click the Quick Texts Bubble - This is going to help make your documentation in the Evals/Progress Notes /Discharges go quicker and smoother.
In the new window, you will see a grid of quick texts (you can remove the ones created when the account was made or reuse them.)
The screen will allow a couple of different option to add and save the changes made:
Start by Click Add Row
Select the Visibility for the quick text (Public: Whole practice, Private: User only)
Description: This is what the Quick Text Link is going to look like in the documentation.
Value: This is what is going to populate in the text box when you click you Quick Text Link. You can have full statements and partials statements.
You can add formatting to automatically add in a new line or paragraph using \n in place of the Enter or Return on the keyboard.
Field: This is the area that the Quick Text Link is going to appear on the
The current options for the documentation are:
Eval/Progress Note/Discharge:
- Subjective
- Objective
- Assessment
- PLOF (Prior Level of Function)
- All Goals (This is for both Short and Long term goals)
- Additional Plan Texts
- Flex Fields (1-5)
- PMSH (Past Medical and Surgical History)
- Safety Concern
- Fax Cover Sheet -> Documentation (Approve and Fax feature)
- NEW July 2022 - Short Term Goal
- NEW July 2022 - Long Term Goal
Daily Note:
- DN Subjective
- DN Objective
- DC Assessment
- DN Comp Sign (Comparable Signs)
- DN Plan
- DN Pre Treat
- DN Post Treat
- DN Impairment
- DN Success Limiting
- DN Measurable Progress
- DN Safety Concern
- DN Observation
- DN Flex Field
- DN Medication
Other Available Fields:
- Fax -> Outgoing -> Cover Sheet
- Store Note (For the General Store Receipt)
- Statement - Top remarks
- Statement - Bottom remarks
- Claim Notes
- Texting Messages
- Experience log - NEW October 2021
Template: These are the templates that the Quick Text Link is going to populate in. This is only for the Eval/Progress Note/Discharge documentation
This will allow you to separate the quick texts in treatment so that you don't see your setting for the knee when you are treating the cevical spine.
Lastly, always click Save to not lose your added information
If you created a quick texts for another user, you will have 2 options to correct the owner on the quick texts
Option 1: All Users
You can change the viability to Public on the quick text. This will allow it to show on all users:
Option 2: Specific Users
You can duplicate the row using the Row Actions if it is needed on multiple users, but not all (optional)
And change the owner on the quick text to the new person: