Printing Batch Paper Claims that are Initially set to EDI

Go over to the Patients Tab -> Search for your patient -> Select the Edit Pencil:

Select the "Claims" tab on the right side of the page under "Patient Administration" side bar:

If the submission method is set to "EDI", you will need to switch it to "Print w 1500". 

Select the insurance (This will open a new tab) -> Claims -> Change submission method to "Print w 1500" -> Apply Changes:

Close out of the "Insurance Companies" tab. Once back on the "Patient Claims" tab, refresh the page to capture the update.

Select the Claims -> Select Option "4.Re-bill / Update & Send Later" -> Select Frequency -> Submit:

Once submitted, this alert will populate:

Go to Billing -> Claims -> Send Claims -> Generate Paper Claim PDF:

Once you generate the paper claims, this alert will appear:

Select the "PDF Claim File" -> Files will download -> Once opened, you will be able to view the 1500s forms & the documentation associate with it ->  Print.

Once Printed -> Go back to Billing -> Insurance -> Select Insurance -> Edit Pencil -> Claims -> Change "Submission Method" back to "EDI" -> Apply Changes.