Statement (Top and Bottom Remarks) Quick Texts

Utilizing Quick text for common phrases help cut time and ensure that you input necessary information to appear on the Top and Bottom Statement Remarks.

**Friendly Reminder** Quick Text does not trigger the Auto Save, you will need to click Save if this is the last used in documentation.

Here are the steps to setting up your documentation:

  • Documentation > Setting 

  • Click the Quick Texts Bubble - This is going to help make your documentation in the Evals/Progress Notes /Discharges go quicker and smoother.

  • Click Add Row
  • Select Visibility 
  • Enter Description: This is a short phase that will give you information to what is the value
  • Description: This is what the Quick Text Link is going to look like in the Statements (This will be available for Top and Bottom Statement Remarks)

  • Value: This is what is going to populate in the text box when you click you Quick Text Link. You can have full statements and partials statements.

  • Field: This is the area that the Quick Text Link is going to appear (Select Statement - Top or Statement - Bottom)

Select Save. (Friendly reminder, if you do not click save and leave the page, these changes will not hold)