How to Turn On / Off Text, Email & Voice Reminders

**Please note: 

  • Reminders only go out once. If you change the appointment by dragging on the schedule, the patient will not be notified. To alert them on the change, you will want to cancel and reschedule the appointment or contact the patient of the change.
  • Reminders will not go to the patient is the appointment is scheduled a hour before the appointment
  • You're able to EXCLUDE the address from Email reminders by Location.( Ideal for mobile clinics)

Text Reminders: 

Click "Admin" > "Practice" >

Click "Reminders" > Click "Text" > Check the Text: box >

This feature cost $0.05 per reminder

**New Feature for Text Reminders:

  • Enter a value for "Look Ahead" (This will set all appointments within X hours of this one to send in the event there are multiple slots together for this patient and just want to get a reminder for the earliest appointment)
  • Enter a value for "Notify Hours Before" (This will notify the patient X amount of hours before their appointment)
  • Enter a value for "Buffer" (If set to 7 appointments created 7 hours prior to start time would not text. If set to 0 it will notify regardless of when the appointment was created as long as it's in the future.)

E-Mail Reminders:

Click "Email" > 

  • Check the "Email" box (this feature is FREE)
  • Enter a value for "Look Ahead" (This will set all appointments within X hours of this one to send in the event there are multiple slots together for this patient and just want to get a reminder for the earliest appointment)
  • Enter a value for "Notify Hours Before" (This will notify the patient X amount of hours before their appointment)

Once you click "Apply Changes" , this notification will appear :

Voice Reminders:

Click "Voice" > Check the Voice box > Enter Practice Name >

This feature cost $0.05 per reminder

Once you click "Apply Changes" , this notification will appear :

EXCLUDE the address from Email reminders by Location.(Ideal for mobile clinics)

Admin > Practice

Locations > Select edit pencil next to location you want to exclude

Once inside of that location, next to the address turn on the Exclude Address from Reminders filter, then apply changes.

***To turn off the reminders, un-check the related box ***