Collecting a Patient Payment

***With our Latest January release, we have a new way to take payments!***

Within the schedule list view, You'll now be able to charge patients cards!

Once within the schedule view, click on the charge button and it will allow you to charge the saved cards of all patients selected on the schedule list view.

When collecting a patient payment outside of the Check in/Check out screens, there are 3 ways to collect payments.

1. Schedule Tab

From the schedule, there is a Quick Links drop-down on the right-hand side of the page. 

You will want to click here and Select Take Payment:

On the Next Screen, you will see two options if you are using CardConnect. 

If not, you will have the option to add the information and create the payment

2. Inside the Patient's account - Payments tab:

When you are inside the patient's account, you can go to the payment tab. There is a Create Payment button here

On the Next Screen, you will see two options if you are using CardConnect. 

If not, you will have the option to add the information and create the payment

3. Billing tab -> Payments:

Inside the billing tab -> Payment subcategory, you will see a Collect Patient Payment

Once you click the button a pop up will appear for you to collect the payment information and create.

Once created, you can link it to an appointment by going to the Patient's account -> Payments or Billing tab -> Payments -> Patient and clicking on the Payment Number:

Under the payment information, you can link the Appointment here: