Customizing Your Initiatives

Initiatives can be used for many things! Mainly to remind your staff to do things, such as giving the patient a Refer to Us card. 

Click "Admin" > Practice

Click "EMR" >

Click "Customize" >

Click the > button over to click on"Initiatives" >

Initiative 1:

Initiative 2:

Initiative 3:

Initiative 4:

Initiative 5:

You can edit the names on the Admin tab -> Practice ->EMR ->Customize button:On the Initiatives tab, you will see more information (Here is an example from a practice):Initiative 1 - Displays a "Thumbs Up" Icon next to the patient name until a date is selected for Initiative 1

    • If the below "IP Reminder" box is checked then, the "Thumbs Up" Icon will display until a date is selected for Initiative 1.
    • To mark these off for the patient, you will find them in the Check out Screen in the Right side Menu:

You can run reports on how many initiatives have been completed inside the Report tab -> Dashboard -> Weekly/Monthly/Yearly Report:

You will select the Location and Time Frame inside these reports at the top:

The Initiative count will be towards the bottom: