Changing CPT Codes in a Claim that has Already Been Submitted

Please follow the below steps:

  1. Patient Tab
  2. Go into the Patients Profile 

3. Claims Tab in the Patients Profile

4. Go into the desired claim by clicking the Claim # 

5. Click Encounter

6. Go into the Encounter by clicking the Encounter #     

7. Click to Re-Open

8. Click the Edit Pencil on the CPT Code to Edit

9. You can Edit the Code that was chosen, # of Units, and Modifiers 

10. To add a CPT Code, Click the Add Line Button 

11.  Add the CPT Code, Units, and Modifiers (if needed) and click Create

12. If it is a Medicare Claim, please be sure the Claim Frequency is set back to Original 

13. Change Status to Approve

14. Click Apply Changes 

15. Go to Send Claims Bucket 

16. Submit your Claims. 

If you have any further questions, please email support at