How to Turn off G-Codes in HENO

**Please Note: Do not turn off G-Codes prior to submitting your 2020 claims**

The first step in turning off G-codes in HENO would be going to the Admin tab of HENO. This will be a setting inside the Practice area in the Medicare Tab. You will Change the G Code Required Drop-down to "No":

Once this is completed, you will want to make sure it is turned on inside the insurance. 

Click on the Billing Tab -> Insurance and then the Edit Pencil next to the insurance name. There are a couple of settings in the insurance that will need to be turned on.


On the Rules tab of the insurance, you will need to move G Code from the right side of the Rate Rule Type to the left side. This can be done by double-clicking or using the single arrow in the center and Apply Changes:


Inside the insurance is the Plans tab. You will want to Edit the plan and go to the Advanced tab inside. Change G Codes to No and Apply Changes:

Once you have these settings turned on, you will need to Log out and Log Back in for the changes to be in affect. 

If you need additional assistance, please contact