Create Patient Chart


  • Create, view, and edit a patient's chart.
  • Create multiple charts for a patient.
  1. Creating a patient chart
  • There are two ways to create a chart for a new patient: a) schedule tab, or b)patient tab. 
  • From the Schedule: Click on an empty slot or slot type and click "new patient" (red).

Fill out the patient information and click "create" (red).

  • An appointment for the new patient has been created. Now click on the person icon (red) to go to the patient profile.

Select "View Cap Statements and Edit Patients":

Select "Edit":

Now that you are in the patient profile, click "chart" (red):

When creating a patient, the system will create a Chart named after the Case. To edit the name of the chart, select the Edit Pencil:

  • Edit "Chart Name"
  • Select G-Code Offset - (Used for determining if it's time for a G-Code mainly for new clinics migrating into Heno with an existing patient. We determine if it's time for G-codes based on Eval, Re-Eval, Discharge, or if this is visit # 10. For determining visit 10 this number is added to the Visit Count and we then use a MOD function to determind if Visit Count+Visit Offset is divisible by 10 and if it is the user is prompted to enter G-Codes.)
  • Select Diagnosis Code
  • Apply Changes

To create a new Chart, select "Create":

  • (RED) Create a "Chart Name"
  • (ORANGE) Its optional to add a "POC Expiration Date" -The day the patient should complete this Plan of Care
  • (YELLOW) "G-code offset"- to allow HENO to prompt you when G-codes are needed
  • (GREEN) "Frequency"- Number of days per week the patient should come
  • (BLUE) "Next MD visit"- Date the patient goes back to the doctor
  • (PURPLE) "POC max visits"- Maximum amount of visits the patient should come for this POC
  • (BABY BLUE) "Chart Notification"- Displays on DN/IE/DC/PN 
  • From this screen, you can also view how many visits the patient has had "Visit Count"
  • Once finished, click on "create and add diagnosis" (Pink).

Here you have the option to add up to 12 diagnoses for the chart. Only one is required. Click on "Diag #1"  to open the full ICD-10 list.

  • In the pop-up screen, you will search for the diagnosis. Enter keywords that will help you find the diagnosis code. Once found, Click "select".

  • You have now returned to the patient chart.
  • Here you can add more diagnosis by clicking on the respective box, or you can continue editing the patient chart by clicking on the tabs.
  • Click "apply changes" to finish creating the chart.

You have now created the patient chart, and can now continue editing the patient profile by clicking on the tabs above, or you also create another chart for the same patient. 

  • Other ways to access a patient profile include: patient tab and within documents (images below)
  • To find a patient and edit their chart or create a new patient/ chart click on the patient tab (red). To create a new patient and their respective chart click "new" (green). To edit an existing patient's chart click the edit pencil (orange) next to the desired patient, and you will then click on the chart tab.

You may also access patient charts within documents. Click on "edit chart".

Checking in a patient with multiple charts.

  • When a patient with multiple charts is scheduled you can select which chart you want by selecting the drop down box for"chart" (red). Click "save" (green).
  • Example: the following patient has two charts (Neck pain and TMJ).

If you have any additional questions or need additional assistance, please email 🙂