Release Notes September 18, 2022 -

Watch the webinar for the newest features to HENO!


1. #3015: Ability for Referring Providers to Electronically sign documentation on our new "Provider Portal"
2. Marketing Launchpad Improvements
   #3181: Marketing Launchpad - Additional check just before sending an email to see if customer has opted out of Marketing emails
   #3180: Marketing Launchpad - Miscellaneous improvements to proper page redirection and breadcrumbs
   #3179: Marketing Launchpad - Ability to add Multiple E-mails in a Drip Campaign fashion to a Single Rule
   #3178: Marketing Launchpad - New Rule Type to Build E-mail Campaigns based on Chart Type, Status and Visit Count
   #3177: Marketing Launchpad - New Rule Type to Build E-mail Campaigns based on "Missing in Schedule"
3. 3124: Office - Schedule - Option to update Time/Resource/Location/Slot Type for Recurring Appointments
  • Article
  • This feature is under review from our development team to have an option to be disabled, check back here for more information.
4. Waystar Clearinghouse Integration
#3186: Marketing - Added "Marketing Email" to the available columns of "Patients"
#3145: Office - Clicking cancel on Create patient will delete the patient being created instead of partially creating
#3174: Office - Charges Screen dropdown for Units reduced to 20 by default (Can be raised/lowered in Practice -> Customize -> Charges)
#3163: Office - Charges Screen - If minutes are input ensure they are correct for timed units at checkout
#3083: Office - Credit Card - Verify additional parameters in place that certain cards are now requiring (No action required)
#3102: Office - POC Tracking With Default Case - Allows cross referencing Chart with Default Case
#3077: Office - Add "Check-In/Out" column to Reports -> Tracking -> POC
#3165: Documentation -> Other -> Physician Req. - allow send by email
#3170: Documentation -> Other -> Courtesy Referral - Now able to email
#3185: Documentation - Option to make the PDF Font larger on IE/DC/PN/DN
#3151: Documentation - Experience Log - Allow users to manage their own Experiences without requiring "Manage Experiences" privilege 
#3130: Documentation - Show Pop-Up warning if Therapist is blank when saving on IE/DN/PN/DC
#3150: Documentation - HEP - Allow simple experience creation when adding a new HEP exercise
#3066: Documentation - HEP Various minor updates and fixes to HEP module
#3115: Documentation - Change the Email list and Fax list from a Shuttle to an in-line Pop-up for easier searching
#3106: Documentation - Converted Patient Select Drop Downs to newer faster search fields
#3100: Documentation - HEP - Verify images are valid .jpg regardless of file extension to prevent hang issues
#3146: Documentation - Added "Chart Type" at the Chart Level for reporting and notification purposes
#3187 Documentation - Added "Created By" to Outcome Tile on IE/DC/PN
#3188 Documentation - When creating from Previous Doc on IE/PN/DC the "Visit" field is now searchable
#3133: Billing - Option to exclude "Self Pay" from Printing CMS 1500
#3110: Billing - Increase Character limit for box 19 on CMS 1500
#3076: Billing - Option to add multiple claim notes from "Billing -> Claims
#3101: Onboard - All new user email addresses converted to uppercase at Sign-Up


#3026: Office - Default Chart not setting when Changing Case on existing slot
#3092: Office Schedule - Recurring Auth and Policy Appointment counts off when scheduling every 2 Weeks
#3135: Office - Credit Card - When choosing "Make Web Browser Payment" will set default Name and Email Address of patient
#3134: Office Credit Card - Clicking "Make Web Browser Payment" without a patient selected returns ORA-0140
#3131: Office - Purge Incomplete Intake Paperwork after 21 Days
#3139: Office - Added 3 new Reports to Reports -> Operations
#3094: Office - Reports not grouping properly if Group By Column has a link built in
#3149: Documentation Edit all Experiences showing create/update date in wrong timezone
#3132: Documentation - Progress Note Counter off on very old charts spanning years
#3096: Discharge - Not setting patient to Inactive if more than 1 chart and a fax/email is being sent on DC
#3087: General - After Oracle Apex upgrades had to change how we cleared the cache when navigating certain pages
#3024: Billing - Internal changes made to optimize Encounter Lines (Page 143)
Billing - Statement Generation tile counts could be incorrect when generating