Setting up Default CQ/CO Modifiers for Rendering Providers Based on Taxonomy Code

In the upcoming February release, providers will now have the ability to have the CQ and CO modifiers auto-applied to their CPT codes based on their Taxonomy Code. This guide will show you how to set this up.

1)Go to the Admin->Users tab and select the user/provider you would like to have default CQ/CO modifiers for.

2) Enter the providers taxonomy code. The following taxonomy codes will allow CQ or CO to be default added to CPT codes. Once done, click apply changes.

225200000X - PTA.  CQ
224Z00000X - COTA.  CO

3. For the insurance companies you would like this to apply for, you will need to go to Billing->Insurance->Insurance Company->Rules, then add either PTA/COTA Differential - Show or PTA/COTA Differential - Prompt. Apply your changes.

4) You're all set for set up! Just select PTA or COTA when checking out your CPT codes in the checkout screen, and the appropriate modifier will be added.

If you have any questions then please email us at