Failed Payment Plan?

Payment plans are amazing to help cut down patient balance follow-up times, allow patients to pay for the cost of care automatically, or for any reason your practice may use them. 

What happens when they fail and the card on file is expired or there was a banking error that did not allow the transaction to process?

Great question! Heno will send an email to the practice alerting them there was a Failed Payment on a payment plan:

The practice is able to reactivate for the system to attempt the charge again (20 minutes after activation).

To re-activate the plan and continue the charge attempts, you will want to go into the Billing tab -> Payment Plans:

You will see your Failed Payment Plans here on the list:

You can use the search feature at the top to locate the plan or look for it on the list. Click on the Blue Plan number to open the plan:

Once inside, change the status to Active and Apply Changes

**Please note, this will continue to attempt the charge on the plan for the failed payment every 20 minutes. You will not need to charge them separately if you Updated a card or just needed to re-active the plan.