Bulk Fax Doctors for recent IE/PN/DC

**Please Note: The rich text options (bold, underline, etc) are not available for the fax cover sheet at this time. We have included an example text at the end of this article**

In this article we will discuss how to send out bulk faxes to providers:

You will first need to ensure that you have the "Fax: Bulk Fax" Privilege enabled and on the right side of the shuttle and log out and back into HENO for it to take effect.

With this privilege enabled we can now go into the Eval, Progress Note (Re-Eval), and Discharge pages to checkbox which patient visits need to be sent out:

A pop up window will appear with the option to utilize this text field to send a message to the providers. 

Other option include utilizing the Table drop down option to filter to different types of substitutions.

The parameters include: Appointments, Document, Referring Provider, Rules, & Templates with different options to pull in text information for you that is within HENO. 

In this example below, we wanted to plug in the referring providers' name to pull in automatically: 

By clicking onto the link it will pull in your provider's info:

If you would like to preview the note there is a preview option below the main text box:

Once completed with your message there you can select the "Build Faxes" button:

HENO will ask you to confirm the fax drafts where you will select "Ok"

Your faxes are now in a "Saved not Sent" status:

To Edit and Send the fax you will need to select the fax number under the Edit column. 

From the Send Fax Page you can designate who to send the fax to, 

Similar to our outgoing fax page, there is a cover sheet, face sheet, file uploads, and associated patients that you can designate.  
If you need to attach any additional files you can do so, such as below:

Lastly, click "Send" and you document will be sent over to the provider with your custom message.

If you have any questions about this article, please contact us at support@heno.io

Example text:

Hello Dr. {RP_LAST_NAME},

Thank you for referring {A_PATIENT_FULL_NAME} to Heno to be treated!

Summary of evaluations:








  1. {DOC_STG_1}
  2. {DOC_LTG_1}

Thank you again for your referral. We cannot wait to work with you and the patient to get them back into action!

Make it a great day!

Thank you,

The Heno Team