Using the Exclude From EMR Slot Type

In this article we will be going over the "Exclude from EMR" slot type.

This Slot Type will enable your appointment to not be available for EMR Documentation. In essence you can use this slot type for appointments that do not need documentation with the claim but need to attach charges to the claim. 

This section is to create the Exclude from EMR Slot Type:

To Enable this you will click on the "Schedule Tab", click on the "Slot Types" Sub-Tab and click on the "Create Button"

Once you click on the create you can input the Slot Type name, and Slot color.

For this Slot Type we will enable the "Exclude from EMR" and "Changeable" options, then click apply changes.

This section is for creating an appointment with the Exclude from EMR Slot Type:

Now we can go into the Schedule Tab to add an appointment using the newly created "Exclude from EMR" slot type.

We will now check in the Patient so we can add the charges.

This section is to add the CPT charges to that appointment:

Now that our patient is checked in we can add the charges by clicking on slot, then clicking on the "Add Treatment/ Edit Codes" Blue Button. This will bring you into the CPT Checkout Screen where you can enter the CPT codes associated with the visit. 

Once you have finished entering CPT codes you will scroll down to the bottom and select "Checkout"

Once you have Checked-Out the Patient you will see the Treatment and you are finished!

If you have any questions please contact us at