Not Checked In Report

If you are looking for patients that have not been checked in this is a great way to save this report!

This will be in the Schedule Tab, in Reports -> Appointment Details. You will use the Actions button to create the filters:

In the Actions menu, you will first add the column "Appt Status."

To add it to the list, move it from the Left side to the right with the arrow in the middle or double clicking it. Then use the arrows on the right hand side to move it in the order you want it to be in:

Once you have done that you can create the control break. Click on Actions again:

You will get a pop-up that asks you what column/s you want to break the report by

After this you can filter the report any way you want to. If you just want to see patient that have not been check in:

Column is "Appt Status"
Operator is "="
Expression is "Not Checked in"

You can also filter by the amount of time you what this report to run (hours, days, weeks) and much more.

Once you have it filters the way you want it, don't forget to save the report:

Name it and Save!

You will be able to access this without all the steps in your Drop-down menu of this report now!

If you have any additional questions or need assistance, please contact Heno support at ðŸ™‚